Hire driven, interview ready software engineers in LatAm

Our engineer-designed interview process ensures you only get job & company-fit candidates. We do the heavy lifting so you can focus on your business.

The No-BS hiring partner that your engineering team needs.

We help startups hire the right engineering talent they need to build their product.

Founder Managed

Silver is run by its founder. No frills and high ownership to ensure the best experience and results.

Experts in Startups

We work with venture-backed startups with LatAm talent, and nearly half of our portfolio consists of YC companies.

Results Driven

No BS, no frills, you only pay once the candidate accepts the offer.

Top of Market Talent

We are the only agency that effectively targets top-of-market talent, geared towards excellence, ownership, and professional ambition.

Our Services

Direct Hiring

Contingency hiring for talent you hire and manage directly.


A contract-based based retainer efficient for high-scale hiring.


Hire talent through to reduce payroll and compliance challenges.

Payroll Processing

Consolidate all your payroll and onboarding responsibilities for reduced operational burden.

VC-backed Startups hire with Silver

Get a Quote

Reach out to us today and get an instant quote for our recruiting services.