We help you get higher job offers at better companies and negotiate new and existing offers. A program by Gabriel Benmergui for Software Engineers.
Real cases from Silver.dev's coaching program
Negotiated contract terms that signficantly impacted the bottomline
From no offer to a hefty equity + cash option at a top VC startup.
To gain leverage at the current job position, we created a 190k cash-offer, eventually negotiating a 45k increase that became the norm for multiple engineers at the company
We devote our entire attention to you. We tailor our coaching and help to what you need and to get you results. Around-the-clock responsive support on Whatsapp for any of your needs.
We help you get through the door. Resume and application prepping. Job & Opportunities Scouting. Company Research.
Resources, mock interviews, prepping, and evaluation. We help you go from 0 to acing coding, system design, and behavioral interviews.
We help you negotiate better total compensation packages, with the experience to get over 50k/yr more for candidates. We will help you navigate the market and get the best offers you can get.
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